Qwiz Academy Sessions
Fall 2024
Check out this year's course offerings!
Want to plan ahead? Here's what's coming this year from Qwiz Academy!
Session 2: November 4 - December 2, 2024
Introduction to Chemistry
Art: Renaissance to Neoclassicism
American History after 1861​
Session 3: January 13- February 7, 2025
Introduction to British Literature
Introduction to European History
Art: Romanticism to Modernism
Session 4: February 24- March 21, 2025
Composers Through the Centuries
Plays and Musicals
Introduction to Biology
Every Qwiz Academy course is taught LIVE by a quizbowl expert. Our instructors are highly experienced - most have written for national tournaments, coached championship teams, or both.
Each Qwiz Academy course meets once a week for four weeks.
Each weekly lesson is a mix of direct instruction and “on-buzzer” teaching – each carefully designed to teach you to dominate that category in competition.
Upon completion of the Qwiz Academy course, participants receive an exclusive study pack including study guides, Quizlet decks, and curated packets of tossups.
Dominate a Category in Four Weeks
Do You Want to Dominate on the Buzzer?
It’s frustrating. You’re tired of getting beat to tossups by players who just seem to have deeper knowledge. You’re sick of losing questions in the same category over and over. You want to get better, but how?
Sure, you know you should study, but there is SO MUCH information out there to learn – it’s overwhelming!
That is why we created Qwiz Academy.
Qwiz Academy are LIVE four week courses designed with one goal in mind - to make you dominant on the buzzer in a particular category.
Are you ready to turn a category of weakness into a category of strength?